Thomas Smith Counseling & Therapy
Your decision to search for therapy and counseling is an amazing investment in yourself that is worth congratulating. Everyone deserves a space that can be just for them. A space where one can learn about themselves deeply and intentionally. To learn what they want, what they need, what they are good at, what can be left behind in pursuit of growth. We so rarely get unconditional care and support in this world, and we need it more than ever.
Are you sick of feeling this way all the time?
You know yourself better than anyone else, but it's time to do something different for yourself. How long have you been waiting to feel better without any change? I can support you through this tough time and help you set yourself up for success in the life that you want to live.
Holistic Approach
No one lives in a vacuum, growth comes from acknowledging the interactions between all the different factors in our life and finding balance in those things. Through balance we can accept and forgive, we can be kind and determined to appreciate ourselves for all of our qualities.
In the Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill Area?
Whether you're a student, young professional, new to NC, or lifelong native, this North Carolinian is available for support. North Carolina and the triangle area are some of the fastest changing social environments in the US today and finding where you fit in can be tough. Being prepared to face the fast paced challenges of the NC job market, housing market, education, and people is many of my clients' primary concern. As someone familiar with changing social landscapes and someone who participates in this particular economic and social landscape I feel uniquely qualified to support those also building or trying to maintain their life in it.Â